My daughter has started her period. Does she need to see a gynie?
My daughter has terrible period pain. Should she see a gynie?
My teenager has her first gynie appointment, what can we expect from the appointment?
My teenager has her first gynie appointment, what can we expect?
At what age should my daughter have her first pap smear?
My daughter has bad skin and her dermatologist is recommending the pill?
At what age should teenage girls start taking the pill?
My boyfriend and I are sexually active. When should I see a gynie for the first time?
Intercourse is painful, what could the problem be?
My boyfriend refuses to wear a condom, is there anything that I can do?
I have a discharge, is there an over the counter medicine that I can use?
We’re thinking of falling pregnant . . .
Do I need to see a gynie before we start trying to conceive?
When is the best time to stop my birth control pill?
How long can it take before we fall pregnant after stopping the pill?
I have used the Mirena for many years, how long could take to fall pregnant?
What steps can I take to ensure a health conception?
We’ve been trying for over six months . . . and we’re still not pregnant
What lifestyle changes should we make to help us fall pregnant?
Are there any supplements that you recommend that might help us fall pregnant?
What is your advice to stay calm and keep trying to fall pregnant naturally?
At what stage should we see a fertility specialist?
How do you choose a fertility specialist?
We’re pregnant!
The pregnancy test is positive, do I need a blood test?
When do I need to schedule my first gynie appointment?
Are there supplements that I should start taking immediately?
Is there any information that I need to prepare for my first gynie visit?
What should I expect from my first appointment and how do I know the gynie is being thorough?
Can my partner join me at my gynie appointments?
How will I know if my baby is developing normally?
Is an internal sonar dangerous for my baby?
Can we have sex during the first trimester?
Is sex safe during pregnancy?
What tests should be performed on my baby and when must they be done?
I started spotting, what should I do?
We’re in our last trimester, What preparations must we make?
What are some of the advantages of going for a 4/5D scan?
What birth plan is right for me?
What is the safest delivery for my baby?
Should my gynie support a home birth?
Is a water birth safe for my baby?
Can I choose to have a caesarean section, even if I can deliver naturally?
My gynie says I need to have a caesarean delivery. Should I get a second opinion?
My fist baby was delivered by caesarean section. I would like to try a vaginal delivery but my gynie says that its not an option. Is this true?
What is the hospital booking process?
Is it important to attend prenatal classes?
What should I expect from a caesarean delivery?
How long should a caesarean delivery take?
Can I book into the hospital the night before my caesarean section?
My water has broken, how long should I wait before going to the hospital?
What pain management options are available and are they safe for my baby?
My contractions are painful. At what stage should I ask for an epidural?
Is there a recommended position for vaginal delivery?
Will my gynie perform an episiotomy?
I have heard that an induction brings on hard labour, should I rather let nature play its course?
What do you advise to speedy up the post-birth recovery?
When do I need to see the gynie again after my baby is born?
There seems to be a problem with my pregnancy
I am feeling nervous about my pregnancy and I am worried that everything is going normally. How often can I see the gynie?
I have abdominal pain, is this the start of a miscarriage?
I am bleeding heavily. Should I phone the hospital or my gynie?
My pregnancy has ended in a miscarriage at home. Do I need to go to the gynie?
The gynie is unable to find a heartbeat. What is the next step?
I am carrying multiples. One baby no longer has a heartbeat. What happens now?
How soon after an extraction can we start trying to fall pregnant again?
I am in a lesbian relationship. Do I need to see a gynie and if so, how often?
I am considering a sex change. Can my gynie help?
I have never taken contraception or any hormone replacement before. At what stage do I need to consider hormone replacement therapy?
I have heard that not having children can bring on menopause earlier. Is this true and what should I do to delay it?
I am waking at night with hot sweats – is this the start of menopause?
What can I do to delay menopause?
Is their natural medicine that is effective at helping balance hormones?
Can lifestyle changes help balance hormones effectively?
Is there such a thing as easy menopause?
How long will it take to lose my periods?
Hormone replacement therapy
Can HRT cause breast cancer?
When do women need HRT?
Are there safe HRT options?
I have adult acne, will HRT help?
What can I expect from HRT?
My gynie is suggesting a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Is it possible to keep my ovaries?
There is ovarian cancer in my family. At what age can I have a full voluntary hysterectomy?
What should I expect from a full hysterectomy procedure?
Do I need to go on HRT after my hysterectomy?
Will having a hysterectomy bring on menopause?